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BIM After Dark Showcase:
An example of what you can create using the techniques found in BIM After Dark: Volume 3.

Note: The product is a digital download only.
The Community Package
The Videos + Sample Files + Four Case Studies with Sample Files + "Creating Custom Revit Architecture Families" eBook & Bundle + Bundle + Community Support
- Over 7 hours of video tutorials that will walk you through the process of creating custom, parametric, and intelligent Revit families. Using real-world examples, you will create the sample families from scratch while acquiring all of the necessary skills to build your own. (Click here for the video outline). Click here for the video walkthrough of the contents...
- Some of the sample files include:
- All of the family files demonstrated.
- Shared Parameter and Type Catalog Files
- Special Resource PDFs
Case Studies with Sample Files I take three studio.bad projects ( Guggenheim , The Web , Heart Huts , and Shift City) and give an overview of how each model was created using techniques found in this series. For example, using conceptual massing as the basis for modelling the Guggenheim which has not a single straight wall. Oh, and you will also get ALL of the project files used!
"Creating Custom Revit Architecture Families"" eBook Bundle (with Sample Files!) This eBook, written by Michael Anonuevo of Little Details Count , contains 16 chapters and 727 pages of family creation lessons (Imperial and Metric). The bundle contains an Imperial and Metric version as well as exercise and sample files (including free Revit families: a pool table, slot machines, toaster, etc…). Bundle and Special Offer Alex Gore, of, was kind enough to include a bundle of free families with those who purchase the Complete Package. In addition, he has an exclusive offer for customers: 410 families at an insane discount!
Join the Community... Learning Revit, Together. Join the BIM After Dark community and get the entire Volume 1 course content (with sample files and bonus chapters). You will also have access to all of the BIM After Dark courses, private office hours, and a community to support you along the way...

Note: The product is a digital download only.
The Videos Plus
The Videos+ Sample Files
- Over 7 hours of video tutorials that will walk you through the process of creating custom, parametric, and intelligent Revit families. Using real-world examples, you will create the sample families from scratch while acquiring all of the necessary skills to build your own. (Click here for the video outline).
- Some of the sample files include:
- All of the family files demonstrated.
- Shared Parameter and Type Catalog Files
- Special Resource PDFs

Note: The product is a digital download only.
The Videos
- Over 7 hours of video tutorials that will walk you through the process of creating custom, parametric, and intelligent Revit families. Using real-world examples, you will create the sample families from scratch while acquiring all of the necessary skills to build your own. (Click here for the video outline).
- Download and view anywhere...